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Risk Disclosure

When considering trading CFDs (Contracts for Difference), it's crucial to assess whether you can tolerate high-risk levels to your financial assets. If you're not an experienced investor and lack the capacity to endure losses, you should refrain from investing in CFDs. Trading shares without margin involves less risk compared to trading leveraged CFDs

Markets are inherently volatile, making CFD trading particularly risky. Engaging in CFD trading on any underlying product entails a high level of risk, especially with the addition of leverage (margin)

CFD trading is not suitable for all investors due to the high risk of losing your entire investment. You should only invest money you can afford to lose. Ensure you fully understand the risks associated with CFD trading before beginning your trading journey. We strongly recommend consulting an independent, knowledgeable, and fully licensed financial advisor before starting to trade CFDs

We disclaim liability for any of the following circumstances:Loss or damage, in whole or in part, caused by, resulting from, or linked to any transactions related to CFDs.
Direct, indirect, special, consequential, or incidental damages whatsoever.
There is a significant level of risk involved in replicating other traders' investment strategies, even if they are highly experienced. Trading on CenturyOneTrust carries risks, including the possibility of following the trading decisions of potentially inexperienced or unprofessional traders. Remember that other traders' financial goals and risk tolerance may differ significantly from yours, which might allow them to accept risks that you cannot afford

Past performance of any CenturyOneTrust member does not necessarily indicate future performance. Any content found on the CenturyOneTrust trading platform is not considered advice or guidance and does not represent CenturyOneTrust, as community members are free to post their own content